"I want to show children that learning is really both fascinating and fun."-Eric Carle
Our overall goals for this theme included the following:
-Using appropriate comprehension strategies
-Interpret and respond to literature
-Write a variety of types of text
-Communicate effectively
This was our first official literature unit and the kids did a great job! We focused on Self-Questioning, Making Connections and Summarizing. In whole groups and small groups for the past three weeks, we have engaged in various literacy centers such as Art Center, Making Words Center, Poetry Center, Teaching Center, Theme Center and Writing Center. All of which were related to the amazing literature of Eric Carle.
Some ways to follow up at home are having kids stop and wonder what they are reading about, have them make connections, (This reminds me of...), and after they finish a story, have them tell you the who, where, what happened and how did it end.
These strategies will continue to be taught explicitly throughout the school year. The ongoing practice and implementation of reading strategies is essential for young readers.
Our Eric Carle portfolios will be sent home next week. I encourage you to go through them with your children so they can tell you about everything that they learned.
Miss Cuenca