Thursday, December 9, 2010

How Many Seeds in a Pumpkin?

My apologies! With all of our holidays and report cards, I've been neglecting our blog! Hopefully now that things have slowed down, I'll be posting regularly again!
So how many seeds in a pumpkin?? Well....we counted, and counted and counted. Between all three groups we counted well over 2000 seeds! The largest pumpkin won with having over 900 seeds! Here's a few pics of the event!
Miss Cuenca


Anna(Deep's Mom) said...

he he..neat stuff!

Irit Eizips said...

Shelley loved this activity! In fact, we had a repeat at home under her guidance and supervision. It was a blast! Thanks for coming up with all these really neat ideas for teaching the class about math and nature - I love it!