Thursday, August 30, 2012

Cookies Do A Body Good...

While I consider myself fairly health conscious, I love the occasional sweet just as much as the next person. I took a baking class a while back and was talking to our instructor about how she manages the sugar intake with her two young daughters. She said the key to sweets is portion control and quality ingredients. She bakes her daughters cookies with all natural ingredients and makes the cookies really small so they still get that satisfaction but aren't eating as much.
I saw this on my Twitter feed and had to share. Maybe a fun activity to do this Labor Day weekend?

Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Kissing Hand

We completed and survived our first week of kindergarten! We had smiles, tears, laughs and wails.  When my brother and I started school, we were complete opposites. I didn't even realize my mother had left while my brother cried before they even reached the door! This is fairly typical for the kindergarten transition and I know as the weeks continue, our smiles and laughs will outweigh the tears.

Our theme this week was based on the book, The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn. We read this book on Monday and talked about how we were feeling about starting school. Answers varied from, "excited" to "sad." Throughout the week, we made our own kissing hands, Chester books, went on school tours, made new friends and started becoming more familiar with our new "home."

By Friday, I could tell even our more reluctant group of students were becoming more comfortable with me and our class. How do I know this? of my rules in kindergarten is, "No scribble scrabble" and I explained that to the kids daily this week. On Friday, a group of girls (whom shall remain nameless), came up to me and said they had a present for me. They had a mischievous grin on their face as they handed me a paper full of nothing but...SCRIBBLE SCRABBLE!! I couldn't help but burst out laughing. Only one week and they totally get my sense of humor!

I can tell that I am going to really enjoy this group of kids...:)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

A New Year Begins...

Dear Kinders,
It was so fun meeting you today and singing with you at our sing-along. I am sure that you are feeling excited, scared, nervous and happy about starting school. All of those feelings are natural and I can assure you that come Monday morning, any anxious feelings you have will go away as soon as you walk in the door and see your new classroom. 
I can't wait to see you!
Love, Miss Cuenca

Dear Parents,
It was so fun meeting you today and singing with you at our sing-along. I am sure you that you feeling excited, scared, nervous and happy about your child starting school. All of those feelings are natural and I can assure you that come Monday morning, any anxious feelings you have will go away as soon as your child walks in the door.....

Looking forward to a great year!